Tis the end of a year. The first dawning breaths of a new one.
Its been a very long year. A year of political and emotional unrest. It seems at times like we have taken so very many giant steps backward. Actually, we have. But, then again, we haven’t. Not in the truest sense. For every roll back of rights, of gained ground, there has been push back. Even the leaders in our armed forces have stood for the rights of the LGBT community.
Things look dire at times. But, I think we have to shift our gaze and stop looking at the capitals and start looking at the communities. Yes, we have had Nazi flags and white supremacists marching down the streets. But, we have also had huge corporations starting to pull from states, cities that promoted laws of intolerance. Stories of sexual misconduct is nothing new to any woman, particularly when involving men of power. Yet, even the most anti woman rights members of Congress are calling for reform and investigation. Many at the top of their specific ladder have tumbled to the ground. And dialogue is opening about these things. Not all of it is good, but it seems to be moving in the right direction.
It may be that all that has happened shall have a positive result. We have become complacent in our maintaining of our governing bodies. Maybe we are learning. We shall see this year.
My life has been a roller coaster as well. Loss of a long term job. A short stint with another job, which is now gone as well. Was only a contract, but there was the hope for more. But, there is hope for a better promise around the corner. I passed the test, which is the first step. May be the new year will give me this position and send my life on a totally different path.
I now have an art studio. And even with all the stress that life has thrown at me this year, I have found time and inspiriation to keep creating. I have found friends to share with on these paths. I have grown and learned much this past year.
I don’t make New Year Resolutions. I think they are a recipe for failure. Virtually no one fulfills them. Instead, what I have been trying to do is to give myslef a direction to keep aiming for. Maybe I should start making them a list that I keep adding to.
So, I think it doesn’t need to be said that I shall keep making art.
I will learn to relax more and try and take better care of myself.
And I will try and break the habit, once I get a new job, of not taking vacations. I need to spend time with people I love. I need to get away a bit once in a while. Maybe not to exotic places, but some time away. With people.
And I should probably try and get out a bit more.
And through it all, I will make more art.
Because as long as people can keep making art, there is hope for the world.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Happy New Year.