Today, I was playing with the Color Range and Luminosity Masks in the software. The first photo is the original, the second one is applying a gradient mask to certain colors in the photo and the third one is replacing the sky.
I am partial to the as taken version, however, it was great learning what I could do with the tools. I doubt I will use them to the extreme these examples are done in, but I can see how I can use them for minor corrections and adjustments. Fun! Fun! Mostly its not so hard to keep from getting bored when you are housebound.
And here is the spice cabinet from yesterday. And yes, they are alphabetized as much as possible. Not the blends. But, I did make one of my own to add. A Baharat spice I had a recipe for. Gonna try it on some baked chicken sometime in the next few days.
On to the garage. They can oft be scary places with strange spills and buildups. I, however, was prepared and did have on my handy dandy medium level work gloves. I did forget to wear a head covering, but my spell wishes that creatures which belong in the out should not hitch a ride in my hair into the in seemed to work as I returned to the house without any new friends. Cassie said she would have liked one or two though and could I go back out and bring her one. Such a silly floof!
Well, as you can see in the pictures above, I did get some arranging done on some of the shelves. I also discovered that I do, in fact, have an extra jug of white vinegar, so that is no longer an active search at the store. Still need the rubbing alcohol, bleach and hydrogen peroxide.

And above is much of the stuff that needs to be rehomed through local thrift stores, if they ever reopen. There are some exceptions, such as Cassie’s poopie dirt, my mat cutter and the things further back. But, all in all, I would say it was a job well done today and it will take at least 2 trips to clear all the offerings from the garage.
I didn’t intend to do any organizing in the bookshelves, but decided to pull out some magazines I didn’t see any need to keep around. In the midst of pulling them out, I found a book of writing I didn’t remember existed. There were only a few things in it, but one was something I had written on the 10th anniversary of my father’s death. I think that was the first time his death truly hit me. And it hit me like a sledgehammer. I remember having to leave work that day because I needed to be alone. I went to the local park and after having a good cry, I wrote this. Funny that I didn’t remember I had written something that day. But, seeing it, I remember it.
Ten Years After
It’s been ten years today you’ve been gone from me. I have little to remember you by save one small picture and a few small mementos. I wonder what you would think of me now, your youngest one with the rebel spirit and eyes of fire matched only by yours. Would you praise or condemn me for what has come of my life? I have made many mistakes, severe ones as in all I do in life.
I wish you could have found a way, a reason to have stayed around just a little while longer. You left me when i needed you most. I wonder, would I have made those same mistakes if you had not left?
My children shall never know you, and for that especially I grieve. They will know only what is said of you. the beauty and darkness of you can never be taught to them.
You made me who and what I am. If you can look upon me and mine, I hope that you do so with gladness in your heart. I know I never said it often enough, but I love you and hope that whatever god there is up there granted yo forgiveness and allowed you to enter that part of the netherworld I feel you to deserve to be in.
October 15, 1990
Well, that about covers it for this day. Tomorrow is another day and another chance to find hidden and forgotten treasures. Or maybe make more to be found at the next Spring Break.