apocalypse, Aquarius, civil rights, dance, healing, longreads, politics, spirituality, violence

Apocalypse and Aquarius

Apocalypse and Aquarius The dying era ended without the fanfare of the zombies, the rapture, the comet spinning through the center of the earth and shattering our planet into a billion tiny asteroids. It was not the apocalyptic exit we had been promised, but like anything whose time has come, it is not leaving without a fight. The last months have been interesting to say the least. It brought us probably one of the most heated, volatile elections in history paid for with 10 king’s ransoms. It was a war of the rich and mighty and few versus the many. They made it a war of the dollar hoping to minimize that it was a war of human rights. Never before have I seen such vitriol flung in an election, throughout the media. And the loudest shouts, the vilest of slanders came from the pulpits and stood behind the candidates. No group, save their own flocks, were spared from the attacks, the hatred, the threats, the lies. Women’s rights have been set back more in the last year than they have in the last 50. Science ordered to sit at the back of the bus while the myth spewers take control of the bus. Parishioners threatened with hell and brimstone if they don’t turn on their gay brothers and sisters. The country became embroiled in a civil war, fought not on the plains, but on the airwaves and the internet. And somewhere in it all, we forgot the words that forged this country. We forgot about freedom. We forgot this country was built by the common man, held together by the common man, protected by the common man. It is not, nor has ever been, a Christian nation. It was, and was meant to always be, a nation where every person could seek the God of their choice without fear of persecution. A country that was never meant to be aligned with any church, any faith. A country built in staunch opposition to the old order of things where money, power and aristocracy ruled the land and the law. The words, carefully chosen to protect the rights of the whole, the partials and the individuals. Especially the individuals. These truths, these insanely original and never tried truths that have been the promise of who we are, have stood as our bulwark for over 300 years, never fully challenged from within. At least not since the Civil War Until the last few years. It began as a ripple, an unrest and a call for an accounting. And the call was heard within the castle walls and a call to arms issued. They had to stop the changes that were happening. Bring things back into order, into control, into their control. They thought if they passed enough payoffs, they could create the rules. At first it seemed to be working. The corporations became people, or so the highest court in the land said. The regulations lifted from them, freeing them to do as they will. They sold the American Dream in a false bottom box and sold their snake oil at a discount entrance fee and the soul stealing rider carefully hidden in small type and roundabout legalese that most attorney’s were hard pressed to understand. And they pocketed the monies and stashed truckloads in secret offshore accounts. And then it all fell in. The people crashed, the banks crashed, the economy crashed. And the money changers were bailed out and the people were put out. And the fear began. And the fear was fed. And they laughed in their castle walls because they knew people would sell their freedoms for the illusion of safety, of security. But, they went too far. They made poor choices investing in those who said too much. They assumed too much. For not all were willing to sell their freedoms. Not all bought the false wares they were selling. And when it came to the counting time, they fell far short of what they needed. Unfortunately, the hatred had spread like a cancer. The fear spread like a virus. The torch has been picked up by the zealots who are brandishing it far and wide. The parishioners collected guns, stockpiled ammunition, built shelters, stocked the shelves with food. Preparing for urban war or apocalypse or zombie invasion. And the shootings began. Increasing in body count. Military weapons that can be bought at the local department store. Rounds that can fire over a hundred rounds a minute. That can be bought in a department store. That we believe we have a right to have, to own, to possess. This is our right and no one can take it from us. We will give up right to our bodies, to make our own health decisions, freedom of some of our citizens, our dignity at the airport, the safety of our food, our right to a jury trial, even the safety of our planet. But, not our right, never our rights to own a gun. Any gun. 20 children died for that right. 20 children and 7 adults. It felt indeed like we had maybe reached the apocalypse with that dark night. For it is almost too much to wrap your brain around. Unquestionably too much to take into your heart. And when the smoke clears, you want to know why. You need some means of making sense out of all of it. I have also fought with this one myself. And it took some time to move past the blinders I had to initially put on myself to slowly step into it and look at it. With first, a sideways glance. Then with a fuller look. Its not about guns, yet there are things that need to be done to take away the ability to kill large numbers in seconds. So, that is a number in the equation. Its somewhat about mental health, but not entirely there either. And again, it is another number in the equation that must be considered and addressed. And the answer certainly isn’t in arming more people, creating more fear. Its about hate. Its about fear. Its about the very air that we breath, the way we move, the way we live. We have allowed our heads and our hearts to be filled with fear. Have allowed our freedoms to be stripped from fear. Have allowed our lives to be diminished by fear. Its about hate. It fills the air. It is on every newscast. It is in so very many churches. Whore, child killer, faggot aberration, free loader, welfare queen, the list goes on and on. The words have been repeated so many times, many who didn’t believe before, believe now. The propaganda wars of the World Wars taught us that words said enough times, no matter how false, and even more so the greater the false, will become truth to the ears of the populace. Millions have died because of the fear and hatred that has been generated by propaganda. Millions have been controlled and subjugated through words of fear. Neighbors turned on each other, friends turning their back, truths pushed to the back of our minds. Its about hate. Its about fear. And it culminated in the loss of 27 lives. And it is up to us if we are going to turn this tide. The era ended on December 21, 2012. We passed into a new era. And era that promises hope. age-of-aquariusWe are now in the age of Aquarius. We did not enter it in the 60’s as we had thought then. We were just starting to recognize it then. It promises healing and change. It is an era of the heart, the intuition. I have been told that the spiritual leaders of the world have been preparing for this for a very long time. They say the change will happen whether we are ready or not. We can fight it, but it will still happen. Maybe that is what all the fighting has been these last years. A desperate play to hold on to the old era. A fear of the new. But, we must also accept the door that has opened. We must see the hate that has brought us to this point. We must see the fear that has frozen our hearts. And we must set them aside. We need to change the air that we breath. We need to stop listening to the hate peddlers. We need to open our hearts to life. We may not be able to stop someone from opening fire on a room full of innocent people and I am sure we have not seen the last instance of that. But, we can refuse to hide under the covers or build a war bunker. We can choose to live defiantly, jubilantly, playfully. Because just as fear and hate are infectious, so is joy and love and passion. There was a campaign asking people to do 27 nice things to commemorate the lost lives from the shooting. Its a beautiful thought. But, an even more beautiful thought, one that will go beyond the memory of that day, is to take every opportunity to make the world a little bit better. Make someone smile, or laugh. Buy a stranger a cup of coffee, leave a love note to a stranger on a bus. Random acts of kindness are infectious. Random acts of hate are as well. We are our climate. “We” decide that what our climate will be. There are some people that mourn the passing of a loved one with dance. I believe that is to remind them what it feels to be alive. We don’t dance so much anymore. Maybe that is why we have become so unhappy. Maybe that is how we change things. I don’t believe fear and hate can exist in the heart of a person when they are dancing. The answers aren’t in laws, or doctors or any of the things we have been led to believe. The answers are in art, in play, in dance, in song and in lots of hugs. It may not change everyone, but maybe, just maybe, it will change enough. SephiPiderWitch 12/23/2012  
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  1. You are thoughtful and quite brilliant.
    And your finger is on the pulse of truth, a truth many do not want to know.
    I heard a pastor preaching last night against gay’s and lesbians and those who support us. His tone was calm, quiet even, and sweet. But the condescension just dripped from his lips like hot, sticky butter. It covered his congregation in a lull. Blanketed them on a chilly night, making them feel safe in his absolute hate. It was fascinating to listen to, and to experience, this moment.

    Let’s start quoting love passages.

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