Essay, guns, human rights, law, longreads, violence

Don’t Take Your Guns To Town!

RifleEnough! I mean it, enough already! Enough shootings, enough deaths, enough with the gun slinging propaganda police waltzing into diners with rifles slung across their backs and sides, through parks while children are playing, through the toy aisles in stores, leaving stray guns in their passing. Enough of your bellyaching and yelling about “your” rights! Enough of your fear and hate speech about how no one is going to take your guns from you. Enough about the only rights that hold any meaning at all to you is the one to hold that cold piece of steel in your hands. Enough already! I have some news for you, for all of you. You are NOT the only ones that have rights! You are not the only ones that have rights that should be protected and respected. It is NOT just about you! We live here too. And I don’t care how powerful your NRA is. I don’t care how many guns you have collected, stored, saved ammunition for. I am not going to be intimidated by you! Because all you are is a bunch of bullies. A bunch of snotty nosed, tantrum throwing, want to control everyone who doesn’t agree with you bunch of bullies. I see picture after picture of these people converging on restaurants, stores, parks, playgrounds.  This is not standing up for your right to own guns.  This is slapping your dick on a counter and saying, lookit that, ain’t I a man?  Well, I have news for you.  No, you are not.  A man (and I use this collectively for the women that are participating in these displays as well) A man does not need to prove himself.  He doesn’t need to beat his chest and wave his wanger at the church quilt circle.  He doesn’t need to strut his “piece” around a children’s baseball game, scaring parents, children and spectators.  Because that is what all these displays are.  A bunch of insecure, spineless jerks who think that their gun gives them the right to do whatever they want, wherever they want, no matter what anyone else thinks or feels.  To strut down the baby aisle of a store!  Does that make you a man?  Is that what you think? Well, you are wrong.  Just makes you a bully. And no, I don’t hold this belief on every person who owns a gun. I happen to support the second amendment. I just don’t happen to think that the second amendment is about who has the biggest arsenal, the biggest gun, the fastest. I don’t think its a blanket free for all.  Its about having the right to responsibly own a weapon for protection or survival. And as with all rights, there should be checks and balances. The first amendment grants you the right to free speech.  Yet, there are limits to that.  You are not allowed to endanger the lives of other by yelling fire or bomb in an airport or train station.  You are not allowed to incite a violent riot.  You are not allowed to libel or slander.  You are not allowed to distribute or have child pornography, etc.  Basically, you must be responsible in your use of free speech. The right to own a gun also comes with responsibility and safeguards and respect. And that includes responsibility for how your behavior impacts others.  And I believe it should come with at least the same responsibilities and proof of knowledge that driving a car has.  You should have a background check.  You should have to pass a test that shows you know how to properly and safely operate it.  It should be licensed.  There should be a title transfer anytime it is sold with the same requirements.  There are actually a number of other things in life that I think should also come with the same requirements, like having children, but that’s another topic. It almost seems that since the predictions so many of them made a few years ago that the government was trying to take their guns from them, their aggressiveness and public displays have grown.  Almost as if they are trying to force their prediction into reality.  Its like a losing game that they are getting more and more desperate at trying to win.  “Wait!  They didn’t take our guns over that?  Well, maybe if we try this and when the outcry happens we can point and say, see?  They are trying to take our guns away.  They are trying to mess with our second amendment rights.”  But, I have news for all of you.  I am willing to put my wages on a bet that when that amendment was placed in our constitution, it was never meant as the ability to make a public display of yourself and intimidate others and make them feel less safe.  And if you are really so very insecure that you need to parade your “weapons” at Chili’s and the Target toy aisle, then maybe you should look to a support group or try one of the many drug therapy regiments now available to people with anger management issues. I do indeed hold many of the bully gun owners/toters at least partially responsible for much of the gun violence that has happened. Their blatant brandishment of their weapons and arrogant disregard for the discomfort and feelings of others inspires and justifies the sick minds that the checks of civilized people no longer applies, and therefore gives them “permission” to pull away the stops they have in place. Additionally, it creates and feeds a mob personality that so many people easily fall prey to. Another common thread I seem to see surfacing over and over and over in these enthusiast groups is their claim to Christianity.  Now, I am at best a heathen who is bordering on feelings of atheism.  My distaste for the word “Christian” grows with every incident, every outburst, every threat of taking all of us “Libtards” out.  With each of these outbursts, you solidify my belief of the sheer hypocrisy that seems to go hand in hand with the word “Christian”.  For the word means to emulate Christ.  Toting guns, making threats of violence, upsurgence, intolerance and hatred is the antithesis of “Christlike behavior”.  I believe that Christ, like our founding fathers are all turning over in their respective graves at their names being used to support the actions of these people.  And for the record, I have read the bible.  I have read it a number of times.  And everything I read shows Christ to be a pacifist, a socialist and a gentle soul.  To be honest, I am really seeing nothing in many of the “Christian’s”  that emulated any of these.  And I won’t accept that “Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven” bullshit.  Because you have to at least TRY.  And you aren’t even putting in the tiniest bit of effort.  So, at least drop the false nametag and pick up the right one.  “Bully” But not to worry, it is not just the Bully Gang I point my finger of blame at.  I also hold our government and police partially responsible for much of this. For it is they who have allowed domestic terrorists to launch a standoff over the theft of the use of government lands and then allowed them to walk away without any penalty. By doing so, they have sent a message to the public that if you show a sufficient level of force, there will be no repercussions for your actions. And that standoff was without a doubt an act of terrorism. And it fed the mental instabilities of others. Another day, another shooting. And with each new incident, it seems that yet another state responds not by seeking rational gun legislation, but by making it even more lax. People strolling into playgrounds, churches, toy stores, schools with semi-automatic guns strapped over their shoulders and across their backs. Guns in holsters that they make a point of moving their jackets aside to parade around the area before finding a place to sit. Indifferent or belligerent to anyone that looks at them. A shooting at a university because he couldn’t get a date.  And where was the outcry?  Much of it was against women for not being more submissive.  Empathy for this animal!  Even on a so called news station. Incident in Chili’s?  Initially, even the NRA said that was over the line.  Alas, they have retracted that.  A moment of lucidity that vanished as soon as it surfaced. I have seen pictures of Mexican drug lords and gangs who look much like the punks storming through public places in their testosterone fest.  I believe there have been 5 mass shootings in the past week.  I can do the math here.  I hold these people at least partially responsible.  I hold the police that didn’t prosecute the terrorists in Nevada partially responsible.  I hold the government that keeps stepping back. My country is NOT a drug cartel!  It is NOT under the rule of Boko Haram!  It is NOT any of the many places where rogue bands go through towns terrorizing.  And I would appreciate it if someone takes these insufferable brat’s toys away before too many more people get hurt or killed! I was always taught as a little girl that respect is something that needs to be earned.  You earn that respect by how you carry your life, your actions, your treatment of those around you.  You wipe your shoes off before entering someone’s home (or take them off if that is “their” custom), say please, thank you, respect the rules of the house you enter, hitch your britches up, run a comb through your hair and don’t take your guns to town.  Cuz if there ain’t a war going on, you don’t need them there.  And I can assure you, there is no need of them in the baby aisle of Target, at the dinner table in Chili’s or in the church (unless, of course, it is next to the graveyard where you have confirmed evidence the zombie apocalypse will begin.  And you might want to call that special squad of the military to assist you in that event).  Just sayin’. SephiPiderWitch 06/09/2014
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  1. Seattle University shooter was stopped by a gun guy and the Las Vegas shooters were stopped buy a person carrying a concealed weapon. They paid with their life but stopped any Walmart rampage. I am sure open carry idiots are really gun control activists using reverse physiology. Leave the conceal carry people alone we are only there to help.

    • I suppose you are entitled to your belief. But, when the NRA steps in and supports the white brotherhood gangland waltzing through stores with rifles slung over their backs and leaving them in the toy aisle of Target, it doesn’t matter. The Jesus Christ of the gun movement just stamped his seal of approval on it.

      • I wonder that a police record is motivating many of the more extreme gun rights advocates. I know one hunter who was afraid his gun would be taken away because he had been sent to prison for decking his wife. He was a strong supporter for the NRA. However, he did carry mace instead of displaying his gun on his person.

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